There are a lot of people who carefully chose what they eat and manage to remain thin but others try to follow a long term diet without any success; honestly speaking those people probably make a lot of nutritional mistakes. There are also a lot of affections that keep people from losing weight but they are rare and the effects can be ameliorated with medicine and doctor supervision.
One of the causes that make people think they are not losing weight is constipation. Although rare, constipation can be a terrible affection that could lead to other diseases, but it can be easily prevented by eating fruits, vegetables and mostly things that contain fibers. Green tea also helps people who suffer from constipation.
Some people don't tolerate an aliment or more, this could be a fatal affection especially if the person doesn't know which aliment is the one to blame. Aliments like cereals, sugar and lactates, consumed excessively, usually keep people from losing weight. Lack of exercise is one of the major things that cause people to gain weight and have a hard time losing it. If you just follow a diet and do not make any exercise, you will lose a lot of muscle mass; when you lose muscles, you start losing weight slower because muscles are responsible of burning calories.
Sometimes the body retains water and that gives people the feeling that they are losing weight. Some of them even go to extreme and drink less water but that is a very big mistake especially during a diet; you will get dehydrated easy and burn fewer calories. If your body retains water, start drinking diuretic tea or ask your doctor about your problem.
Those factors are involved in our weight loss process. However, with a little knowledge about nutrition and some exercise, you will easily get over them and start losing weight in a healthy way.
Photo from: Textually
Source: Health=Beauty
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